Social Security Number Trace
Social Sec. Number Trace(SSN to/from Name/Address)
Record Contents:
The information in this search is supplied by credit reporting agencies. The information may contain an individual's name, most current address, aliases, previous address, and Social Security Number. Information may vary based on information on file at the national credit bureaus but does not contain credit information and is not subject to the FCRA. This report will automatically flag the report if the Social Security Number was never issued or was used in a Death Report. This search will obtain information from one of the credit bureaus only. If you would like all three credit bureaus searched, please order the Trace Plus report.
Search Requirements:
• Social Security Number
• Name and Address
Availability: Nationwide
Average Turnaround Time: 24 Hours or less
Common Uses:
• Discovery of addresses and names of persons using this SSN
• Confirmation of Social Security Number to an individual
• Discovery of bogus social security numbers being used on insurance claims, job applications and rental applications