Free Legal Forms Find a form you need. Download it for free. We have hundreds of sample forms, agreements, contracts, retainers, disclaimers, releases and more, that cover just about every situation. | Public Records Search Guide If you need to locate someone with a skip trace, or run a background verification, check for judgments, criminal and civil records, bankruptcies or any type of negative information, our guide to public records shows you what searches are available, how they work, and where to get them done. |
Judgement Pro Directory Whether you are looking for a judgment collector, a judgment buyer, an attorney or any other type of judgment professional, our upcoming directory is for you - Coming Soon ! Judgment professionals, list your services FREE here | Legal Discussions Forum Connect with others to share your questions and insights on a range of legal topics. Use the board to post legal questions, help others with their legal issues by sharing your experience, get referrals to attorneys, and much more... |
Law Articles
What is a Judgment ? Definition: A judgment (see spelling note below), in a legal context, is synonymous with the formal decision made by a court following a lawsuit. At the same time the court may also make a range of court orders... [Read More...] | Court: It’s Bad Judgment (part 1) Court: It’s Bad Judgment (part 1)I hate court. Everything about it. I hate the calloused wooden benches, the rampant feelings of paranoia, and the dingy white lighting that accents my pallid skin and puffy eyes. It's unbecoming.... [Read More...] |
Court: It’s Bad Judgment - Part Two Court: It’s Bad Judgment - Part Two Arbitration, as I purported in my previous article, is the Judiciary process of the future. In its best form, it protects the reputations of both parties, preserves dignity, truly ... [Read More...] | How Public Record Searches can help you Sometimes a judgment is hard to recover because the person is hard to find or insolvent.At least it would appear this way. But thankfully there are tools our there to help you located the person and their assets.Indeed an information broker... [Read More...] |
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